A chronic em dasher,

Jemimah began daydreaming as a child, blogging as a teenager, scribbling on the side as a copywriter, and now writes fiction full time.
She has written screenplays, travel guides, and creative non-fiction narratives for brands like Airbnb, Disney, and Nikon. A columnist and Prose Editor for No Contact Magazine, Jemimah has served on the editorial board of the Columbia Journal and is a Submissions Editor for SmokeLong Quarterly.
She holds an MFA in Fiction from Columbia University and is presently a Stegner Fellow at Stanford University. Her debut novel, THE ORIGINAL DAUGHTER, is forthcoming from Doubleday Books in early 2025.
- “My Friend Juniper” – Guernica. Spring 2023.
“At this age, things feel more important than they really are. But in five, ten years, the only thing we’ll remember is the experiences we’ve had. The most important thing is to feel.”
- “Ten ways to Kill a Goldfish” – The Bureau Dispatch. Forthcoming, Spring 2023.
“A sure-fire way to assassinate a goldfish without suspicion is to hand it to a child.”
- “The Bet” – Ruminate Magazine. 2022 William Van Dyke Story Prize, Winner. Fall 2022; Nominated for the 2023 Pushcart Prize.
“I mean it, he said, let’s make a bet. If I ever go again, I’ll walk across the whole island as penance.”
- “Paper Pledges” – Narrative Magazine. March 2022; Finalist for the 2021 Narrative 30 Below Contest; 2021-2 Narrative Top 5 Stories; Story of the week; Nominated for the 2023 Pushcart Prize.
“When my mother died, they came for her eyes.”
- “The Chiropractor” – Phillips Auction House series, The Prompt. February 2022
“Most people don’t like being defined by their profession but not the Chiropractor.”
- “Salvation” – Waxwing Literary. February 2022; Nominated for the 2023 Pushcart Prize.
“Want to hear a joke? What do you call a grown man who loves candy?”
- “Assasination” – The Bureau Dispatch. January 2022
“Here’s a fun fact. The Chinese believe the eyeballs of fish to be delicacies, and to be offered one when there are only two! in the whole fish! is considered a great honor.”
- “The Lunch Party” – The Florida Review. November 2021; Nominated for 2022 Best of the Net
“At the time, everyone’s partner had the same name—David.”
- “nth State of Matter” – Jellyfish Review. October 2021; Nominated for the 2022 Pushcart Prize
“Ice cube as disaster warning
“Mom’s doing it again, I walked into the kitchen and she was just standing there, in front of the SMEG, holding two cubes in her palm, watching it melt.””
- “It’s OK If you Don’t Reply” – The Hong Kong Review. August 2021
“The only people who might have said anything were from back home. But they were back home.”
- “Forgotten Densities” – The Margins; Asian American Writer’s Workshop. July 2021; adapted for the stage in Singapore, May 2021
“I don’t know what to tell you except that children are cruel and her emails were hilarious.”
- “Bleach” – Nimrod International Journal. Spring/ Summer 2021; 2020 Francine Ringold Award for New Writers, Honorable Mention
“The first time I dyed my hair blonde, a classmate walked up to me and told me I looked rich, and that was the first time I realized wealth could be shrugged on or off, like a costume.”
- “Alexa” – Pidgeonholes. May 2021; 2022 Best of the Net Finalist
“At that point, she was the size of my palm, and Ling Yi the size of eye shit.”
- “Authentic, Real, and Good” – Fractured Literary. February 2021
“That’s what happens when you’re a cheap Chinese man trying to pass off your budget bistro as a hidden Japanese gem, I snarked, to the chef, who was fresh out of polytechnic, and the kind of guy who rolled his own cigarettes.”
- “Waiting” – SmokeLong Quarterly. August 2020; 2020 SmokeLong Quarterly Award for Fiction, Finalist
“People have been trying to take down the Influencers for some time now but I have my eyes fixed on just the one.”
- “The Light at the End of the Pail” – époque press.
” “Are you leaving?” What she had meant to say was, are you leaving me?”
- “The Life Cycle of Temporal Biomatter Attachments” – XRAY Literary Magazine; Nominated for the 2021 Pushcart Prize; Best of XRAY, Fall 2020
“This is completely unsexual, but ever since the ex left, Jennie has gotten into the habit of sticking her hand down her pajama pants and cupping herself to sleep.”
- “The Girl in the Tampon Commercial” – No Contact Magazine.
“It’s been seven months since the ex walked out on her, but he still calls often, whenever he needs reminding that the break-up was a good idea.”
- “Everything is Fine” – JMWW Journal; Nominated for the 2021 Pushcart Prize; Best of JMWW 2020; Anthologized in JMWW: An Anthology (Print and Online, Modern Times Publishing)
“We sent Grandma out for milk last week and she returned today with a husband.”
- “Watercolor Girls” – No Contact Magazine. (Watch)
“Maybe what I have is not depression, but abundance.”
- “Saltwater” – Quarterly Literary Review Singapore. January 2020
“Every time she watched someone fuck up, she steadied her breathing and checked her pressure gauge. 130psi. 120. 110.”
- “George” – From the Belly of the Cat, Print Anthology. 2015; Best New Singaporean Short Stories, Honorable Mention
“George ate things, it was his problem, just as some kids have problems with wetting their pants and sleepwalking.”
Non Fiction
- “Commentary: Unruly”- Channel News Asia, January 2023
“The plain truth is you dont have to be unruly to torment.”
- “How to Sit”- (Mac)ro(mic), December 2021
“I sit ugly, I know. But it’s not like anyone can see.”
- “Review: Real Life” – Columbia Journal
Brandon Taylor’s stunning debut opens with an epigraph from the explicitly theodical book of Job, the oldest historical text to seriously question: why do good men suffer?
- “Review: Little Eyes” – Columbia Journal
Although the risks and terms of opting into these ecosystems are clear, our need for connection – even virtually – necessitates a kind of continuous, willful forgetting. It is perhaps the only option we have.
- “To World Enough, and Time” – Her World Magazine, Singapore. Print, December 2020
I saw a relationship as a likely death sentence to the pursuit of individual dreams, a lifetime of half-compromises.
- “To All the Girls I’ve Loved Before” – Her World Magazine, Singapore. Print, December 2018
Friendship, when enacted meaningfully, can be the stuff of epic romances. Toss out what you know from garden-variety Hollywood infatuations; this is the real deal.
Column Work

Jemimah also writes a biweekly column, Curbside, for No Contact Magazine.
Selected Pieces:
- “Whose Story Is It? An Interview with Tash Aw” – Columbia Journal. 2019.
- “My Pen and I Talked About You” An Interview with Farzana Alizada. SmokeLong Quarterly. 2021
- “Snow Warming” An Interview with Bita Mohammaddoust. SmokeLong Quarterly. 2021
- “Success” An Interview with Shukriya Alizada. SmokeLong Quarterly. 2021
- “Freedom, Hope, Fly, Happiness” An Interview with Nazia Baqizada. SmokeLong Quarterly. 2021
- “You Are Remembered” An Interview with Dareen Yousef. SmokeLong Quarterly. 2021
- “Two Micros” An Interview with Azru Naqizada. SmokeLong Quarterly. 2021
- “Eritrea by the Window” An Interview with Nura Ahmed Faloul. SmokeLong Quarterly. 2021
- “Freedom is Having Wings to Fly” An Interview with Wahida Amiri. SmokeLong Quarterly. 2021
- “Adventurous Journey” An Interview with Nura Sadia Ramazani. SmokeLong Quarterly. 2021
- “The Other Dark Face of Life” An Interview with Kinaz Mohammed Abdo. SmokeLong Quarterly. 2021
- “Rosary with White Pearl Beads” An Interview with Maryam M. SmokeLong Quarterly. 2021
- “Waiting for the Spring” An Interview with Arozo Wakili. SmokeLong Quarterly. 2021
- “The Struggle No One Should Go Through” An Interview with Marofa Sharifi. SmokeLong Quarterly. 2021
- My BB Love – Original short film for Laneige Singapore Executive Producer, Writer, Casting Director
- #0000FF – Music Video for Jasmine Sokko Executive Producer
- Dear Internet: This is Just a Detour – Anthology series for IMDA x Clicknetwork TV – Writer, Producer
- Forgotten Densities – PLMGS Theatrical production for the Singapore Youth Festival 2021 – Writer
- Skit for the launch of the Sustainable Singapore Gallery for the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources Writer, Creative