Currently listening to:Nothing much


Write Drunk, Edit Sober
-Ernest Hemingway

Well, I’m not drunk per se, unless you count all the medications in me right now. My goodness, i really do feel like a druggie. Check it out:


My candy store of drugs.

(Digression: I’m using PixTrix for Blackberry now and I love it! It’s like instagram for the iphone, and it’s super easy to use. Download it here:

So anyway last night I was running a pretty terrible fever and flu, and I went to the doctor’s today- diagnosed with fever, flu, throat inflammation and.. er.. Hyperventilation? I dont know how that came about either. So anyway now im kind of confused, because

1. Fever and Flu-horribly conflicting,really. So am I supposed to keep cool or stay warm?
2. Hyperventilation. Um. Try and breathe slower/ stop looking at cute guys?

Actually, its kinda funny, I would laugh if it weren’t happening to me. Sigh.

So anyway, today before going to the doc’s I went down to the office to get my files and i’ve been writing (okay, typing) the entire day from home-I feel productive! And that’s always good. I feel like a contributing and productive member of society. Responsible Kid 101.

Tuesday Night: Was invited to the preview party of Diva Universal’s Fairly Legal and I brought xtel along as my +1. Met Ingrid from WCI there- she’s really pretty in real life too! It was good, though I cant really blog in full till I receive the photos from Diva, because I didnt bring my bulky DSLR along. We also had a short TV spot where I made a really unglam face…okay. Going to hide away in mortification now.

Last Night: Microsoft’s XinMSN Wild Wild West party. It was amazing! Once again, will update with a full post once I receive the photos from Tim, official photographer from Lifestyle Asia. All I’ve got at the moment is what you see above. Plus, Xtel and I are going to be appearing on the cover of some publication together with DJ Glenn Ong- so look out for that one! 🙂

Okay, I’m hardly coherent now actually, and i can feel the drowsy medicines taking effect. I keep making weird typos, like spelling brain as brian and things like that. Trust me to fall sick right before the long weekends.

Happy Easter Y’all.
