Sushi Nakamura
Otaru, Hokkaido
All photos taken on the Samsung Note 8 I was in Otaru for one night in January, passing through to Sapporo Chitose Airport after a week of falling on my face in Niseko. Whilst I was there, I had one of the best meals of my life, as recommended by a chef friend of Roz’s (Chef Petrina Loh of Morsels Singapore, also a very good restaurant!). I hesitate to use the phrase
life-changing but, yknw, it was a
phenomenal meal. I documented it at length on instagram stories, but after it expired many people wrote to me to ask about the place, so I decided to export the commentary from that night wholesale and post it here:

After the omakase, we were greedy and just wanted more. Everything was so good thus far that we figured we would regret it forever if we didnt get more. Turns out that was the right sentiment – here we go: BONUS ROUNDS!

Sushi Nakamura
Japan, 〒047-0025 北海道小樽市山田町 一番二十一号
+81 134-26-6566
Reservations required
The best japanese meal of my life. I dream about this meal: I cant wait to go back some day.